"Habits not meal plans.
Moderation not restriction.
Flexibility not rigidity."
These are my mantras because I too was once on the rollercoaster of fad diets & hardcore workout programs. If you are like me they haven’t gotten you anywhere except frustrated. What if I told you, you could achieve the results you’ve dreamed about without ever having to follow another fad diet, or be subject to that crippling feeling of giving up the foods you enjoy just to get results? My goal is to change your all-or-nothing mentality into a more sustainable, healthy approach that focuses on building habits, developing mindsets & changing your relationship with food, exercise & self one day at a time.
What Is It?โ
The Fitgirlsrock Bold & Badass Project is a 6 week online fat loss, nutrition & mindset transformation program & course open to women worldwide. Create new habits, meet other badass women, feel empowered by food & movement, dig into why you do what you do, find your inner badass & learn why you deserve more than being shackled to the scale. The goal is to give you the tools needed to create a sustainable healthy lifestyle without all the overwhelm & gimmicks. This is the foundation course that sets the standard for all Fitgirlsrock coaching & can potentially lead to an exclusive invite into the Fitgirlsrock Badass Tribe.
Whats Included?
a full 6 week fitness program (3-4 day/week) complete with video demos for each exercise (workouts are done on your own time at home or in the gym)
6 weeks of nutritional coaching via a calorie & habit based approach
6 weeks of mindset coaching (self-sabotage, internal language, self-belief, limiting beliefs, relationship with food & self plus more)
Access to a community of other badass women via a private FB group
Live videos every Monday
Daily lessons, habits & a course curriculum geared towards teaching you about sustainable, manageable fat loss & lifestyle change
Accountability, support & direction from an educated coach - that’s me.
Daily & Weekly check-ins/goal setting โ
My Mission
I created this online coaching program to SIMPLIFY & EDUCATE WOMEN on what is & isn’t required to achieve fat loss & a sustainable lifestyle. This program will educate you on how to eat for your goals without restriction & elimination so that your diet doesn’t consume & control your life. It’ll show you how to get a great workout without endless amounts of cardio or hours spent in the gym so that you feel energized & have more time for life. And lastly, it’ll teach you how to finally get off the dieting roller-coaster & let go of those scale shackles so that you can sustain your results.
This is not another cookie-cutter program. It is not a band-aid. This is a permanent solution that will not only help you get results but build a mindset around sustaining those results. If you are truly open-minded & ready to lean in, in 6 weeks you’ll have not only built the solid foundation for a lifestyle but you will have changed your life entirely. Join us …. get down with your BADASS self & take your power back.
This program runs 6x a year & is a prerequisite to get into further Fitgirlsrock coaching. Programs run in January, March, May, July, September & November.
join our free facebook community to get first access to each program & stay on top of start dates