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It's been 3 freakin' years!

My Fitgirlsrock business is celebrating 3 years today.

Wow, 3 freakin' years!!

Sometimes I have to pinch myself just to prove this is real!! It’s so hard to believe that just a few short years ago, I was working crazy shifts & hours at a job I really disliked in the corporate world. I was miserable and only living for Friday and 3 weeks of annual vacation.

3 years ago, I had this crazy idea that I could be my own boss and run my own business successfully after many years of working for others, living life only for vacation time and weekends, hating mornings and being officially miserable most of the time. 3 years ago, I thought, “Why am I doing this? What makes me feel that I can’t while others are out there making it work? Why can’t I be one of them?”


So I jumped. I say jumped because although I am a planner and an organizer, this was a leap I couldn’t meticulously plan as I had no real idea what to expect. I was scared shitless but I would not allow any thoughts of failure to take over. I jumped in with a positive and determined attitude that I would do what I had to in order to make it work. I wouldn’t give up no matter what.

Truth is I was very afraid.

What if this doesn’t work?

What if no one signs up?

What if I have to go back to doing something I hate?

What if …..

and I almost let all of those and other ‘what ifs’ hold me back.

The struggles were very real. I often thought, “Oh oh, ok what now?” I’ve made loads of mistakes that kicked my butt & seriously humbled me but I’ve learned from them and changed what I had to in order to keep going. Each year, I grow so much both in business and as a person, I learn more and become more determined in my pursuit to help others.

3 years in and I can’t imagine my life any differently. I truly, truly LOVE what I do & I’ve learned a significant amount, but I’m also not naive enough to believe that there aren’t more struggles & bumps to come. What I do believe is that every bump has a lesson and it’s what we take from those bumps that matters most.

These days my life involves lots of hard work & some crazy hours. Most times the hours are longer than my previous job but the difference is that now my time is spent doing something I truly love and am passionate about, helping & supporting others, both online and in-person, & fulfilling my purpose in this life. Following my dreams has drastically changed my life. I’m no longer one of those people who just goes through the motions each day, nor am I one of those people who lives only for weekends and vacations. I get to have FREEDOM with my schedule & be my own #GIRLBOSS. I work more now than I did then but this, this rarely feels like work at all. Each day I wake up looking forward to what the day holds. I have a new outlook on life. And while, I definitely have my own difficulties & struggles to deal with, I am a much happier and grateful person. I see beauty in the little things around me, I find myself enjoying my time instead of running around thinking that there aren't enough hours in the day. I find myself needing fewer ‘things’ and instead wanting more fun, love, time in nature, moments and memories.

Live life happy

Building a life you truly enjoy takes a considerable amount of hard work, there is no denying that, in fact, I am scared shitless most days, but I am also living proof that when you want something badly enough, you can find a way to make it happen. You can trust the process and dig deep because there are simply no excuses strong enough to hold you back.

It is unfortunate how easy it is for us to do everything in our power to keep ourselves comfortable despite our unhappiness. It is amazing when I reflect on it, how much we avoid the unknown and discomfort even though it’ll make us happier. This can refer to anything in life, in my opinion, jobs we hate, relationships we aren’t happy in, workouts, nutrition & so on. Truth be known, I’ve had to do a lot of uncomfortable things in my life and make a lot of very uncomfortable decisions in order to make myself happy. I’ve had lots of support of course & I’m extremely grateful for that but I can’t imagine where I’d be today had I stayed where things were comfortable every single time. The truth is my life would be totally different and I’m scared to think about where I would be or how unhappy I might be if I hadn’t made so many of those uncomfortable decisions.

3 years ago, I took my life back; whether by intent, purpose, luck or just pure determination & stubbornness, I’ve made it work. Doubts and fears creep into my head almost on a daily basis, I’m not sure that ever goes away, but I do believe in what I do and that I have the ability to make a difference. Today, I get to wake up with a sense of purpose and excitement about what the day has in store. It is still crazy to think, even after 3 years, that this is my life. Working from home, helping other people reach goals, working on myself and my business. No more dread just getting out of bed in the morning and heading to a job I dislike. No more hitting snooze. Heck, I don't even use an alarm anymore. That old Melissa, the one who seriously hated mornings, the one who really disliked her work, has been replaced by a Melissa who went after her dreams, created her own path & loves her work.

Love what you do

Helping other women reach their potential, their goals, become fit & healthy, gain confidence and believe in themselves is what I live for. It is what I love to do and it has changed me as a person. I could not be more grateful for the clients I have, for the opportunity to push them, to share in their joys when they triumph, to be their ear when they struggle, to be their coach and make a difference in their lives.

Don't be afraid to go after your dreams! Don't ever feel like you have to stay in a career or job you hate. If you want it, go for it!! You'll always find a way to make it work and it's so worth it to be happy. I'm living proof that it can be done.

"Purpose is the reason for your journey.

Passion is the fire that lights your way.”

"Do what you love. Love what you do."

Love what you do

To all my clients online & in-person (past & present), I want to take each of you from the bottom of my heart for trusting me to guide you on your journey. Special thanks to everyone who has believed in me & helped me along the way. Your support and encouragement are greatly appreciated. I am beyond blessed!

Until next time,


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