Cheers to 2019!
2018 has come & is just about gone. Another year down. Wow! I’m always in awe of how quickly the time passes & of course, just as I do every year, I’ve been looking back in reflection.
This year, in particular, is a little different than the others since I just recently ended my 30s and began my 40s. Hence, I’ve not just been reflecting on the year, I’ve also been reflecting on the past decade.

I have learned that life happens & sometimes things change, so while I do like to set goals & strive hard to fulfil them, I am ok & open to everything not going exactly as planned. My thirties were the most evolving, & probably the most rewarding period in my life so far. I’m thankful for it all of course, the extreme highs & lows, ups & downs, adventures, blessings, setbacks, love, happiness, sadness, life lessons & huge accomplishments. Each one leading me here - exactly where I am in this very moment.
I’m taking on 2019 with the tenacity, positivity & gratitude that I take on most every day & therefore, I wanted to share with you some of the most valuable lessons & concepts I’ve learned over the last decade. I hold each of these very close to my heart & I try to remind myself of them daily.

1️⃣ Do not apologize for being who you are. Accept, appreciate & believe in yourself. You are you and that is truly your power.
2️⃣ The most important things in life are NOT things so make more memories instead of buying more stuff.
3️⃣ Life is short. You aren’t getting another shot so LIVE like it.
4️⃣ It takes absolutely nothing to be a good person. Be kind, support others, smile & put out good, positive energy.
5️⃣ Believe in yourself & go after what you want even when it’s hard, even when it is scary. Get comfortable being uncomfortable. See #3
6️⃣ Your current situation is not your final destination unless you give up. So don’t! There are no failures just lessons to be learned.
7️⃣ Drop your excuses, stop blaming other people, stop complaining. You are in charge of your own life. You decide. Want change? Work hard & make it happen.
8️⃣ Be grateful EVERY. SINGLE. DAY! Enjoy beauty in the little things. Make the most out of every situation.
9️⃣ The grass isn’t greener except where you water it. Water your own & drop the comparison to others.
🔟 It’s ok to rest, to breathe, to do things for yourself. You can’t do everything nor can you be everything for everyone so just let it go.
1️⃣1️⃣ Not everyone will like, appreciate or understand you & that is ok. Your circle should support you & if they don’t then you need a new circle.
Lastly I want to leave you with this : although no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from this very moment & change their course. Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365 page book, make it a great one. Year's end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on, with all the wisdom that experience can instill in us.

Cheers to a new year and another chance to get things right.
Wishing you peace, joy & immense love.
May you find everything you’re looking for.
Until next time,
Melissa (Fitgirlsrock) xo